October 11 – POSTPONED. Tom Gilmore has had to cancel his October 12 presentation. We will schedule his presentation for an upcoming meeting. Don Baylor will present “Hatches, New Angles”
Tom Gilmore, author and avid fly fisherman, will be presenting Pennsylvania’s Blue Ribbon Trout Streams at the October Brodhead Chapter of Trout Unlimited monthly meeting at 7 p.m. on October 12 at the Kettle Creek Environmental Center in Bartonsville, Pa. The presentation is based on his latest freshwater fly fishing book, Flyfisher’s Guide to Pennsylvania, that is scheduled to be released this month.

Pennsylvania has more miles of trout streams than any state except for Alaska. You will be guided by the author’s first-hand fishing knowledge and information from his detailed stream logs stretching back over four decades. The author shares his experiences, anecdotes, detailed descriptions, and directions, as well as tips and tactics for success on Pennsylvania’s finest trout streams. We will sample the world-class limestone spring creek of the Lehigh Valley and Central Pennsylvania, classic freestone streams of Potter and Clinton Counties and the mountain streams of the Poconos and Pennsylvania’s “Endless Mountains.”
After almost three decades of service, Tom Gilmore retired in the spring of 2012, as President and CEO of the New Jersey Audubon Society, the oldest and largest conservation organization in the state of New Jersey. During that time, he led the conservation community through numerous extraordinary environmental achievements. It’s no surprise that Tom has received numerous awards and honors, including the Conservation Medal from the Daughters of the American Revolution, New Jersey Environmental Lobby’s first Environmental Legacy Award, Earth Share’s New Jersey’s Environmental Stewardship Award, and Trout Unlimited’s Crystal Trout Award for Coldwater Conservation and the NY/NJ Baykeeper’s Award for Outstanding Public Service.
In addition to being an accomplished environmentalist, Tom is an avid fly fisherman. He has fly fished around the world for over 45 years. Tom is a well know fly fishing celebrity having given well over 100 programs on fly fishing for everything from trout, bonefish, permit, tarpon, billfish and tuna. He is an accomplished author having written numerous articles for Eastern Fly Fishing and Fly Fishing Saltwaters. His fourth book, East Coast Trophy Tailwaters, was published in the fall of 2014. He is currently completing on a comprehensive Pennsylvania trout stream guide which is due out in September 2016.
WHEN: October 12, 2016 7:00 p.m.
WHERE: Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center, 8050 Running Valley Road — Bartonsville (Stroudsburg), PA 18360
NOTE: The Bridge on Rim Rock Drive is Open!
GPS Coordinates for KCEEC – Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center:
Longitude (West) – 750 17’ 48.552”
Latitude (North) 400 59’ 21.1164”
Directions to Monroe County Conservation District and the Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center
(Exit 302 I-80West or 302B I-80 East)
* Make a left onto Route 611N
* Make a left onto Rim Rock Road at second traffic light
* Follow for 0.4 mile, bear right onto N. Easton-Belmont Pike
* Follow 0.2 mile, then bear right onto Running Valley Road
* MCCD/KCEEC will be 0.7 mile on left.