On March 31, 2018, a truck carrying 29,000 lbs of small plastic pellets, known as nurdles, crashed on Route 80 near Tannersville, Pa. A portion of the load was spilled into the Pocono Creek watershed. Thanks to the herculean efforts of Schlier’s Towing, the bulk of the nurdles were removed at the source. Now, the Brodhead Chapter of Trout Unlimited is spearheading an effort to try and capture as many of the escapees as possible.

Our first cleanup is being organized on Sunday, April 15 from 1-4 p.m. We will be meeting at the former Northampton Community College site on Old Mill Road. We will be cleaning sections of the creek from the Learn Preserve upstream to the Route 715 bridge through lands owned by the Pocono Heritage Land Trust and Pocono Township. Please bring aquarium nets, pool skimmers, dust pans, flat bladed shovels, rechargeable (Dustbuster) vacuums and buckets.
Dress to get wet and bring a reusable water bottle and bug spray.
For more information, contact brodheadchapter@gmail.com
WHEN: Sunday, April 15 from 1 – 4 p.m.
WHERE: Former NCC Campus at 205 Old Mill Road in Tannersville, Pa. 18372
A map to the former campus is embedded below.