The October 2018 Brodhead Trout Unlimited Chapter meeting will feature Adam Nidoh who will discuss the history of the Lackawanna River, from the region’s coal mining boom to the present. How the history and geography of the river make it a special resource. Adam will then go into the seasons on the river, including the flies and techniques recommended for each. This includes the insect life and hatches, as well as other wildlife found along the river, including fisheries data collected from 4 years of our annual competition held on the river. Adam will also cover some primary access areas and what the future holds for the river.

Adam was born and raised in Scranton, Pa. He still lives there. He grew up spin fishing for bass, but got into fly fishing when I was 13. Adam has been fly fishing for the past 18 years. He and his father are co-owners of A&G Outfitters, in Dickson City, Pa, for 14 years. Adam has been guiding on the Lackawanna, Lackawaxen, Lehigh, Delaware & Susquehanna Rivers for 10 years. Licensed in PA & NY. Adam has worked as the Fly Fishing Instructor/Guide at TLAW for 5 years, and been a part of the Orvis R&D team for 3 years. Adam also has taught Fly Fishing & Fly Tying Courses at Keystone College for 3 years, and been recently published in the guide book, Keystone Fly Fishing & Fly Fisherman magazine. Adam also works at Whitetail Country Fly Shop in Starlight, PA & for Cross Current Guide Service.
WHEN: Wednesday, October 10, 2018 at 7:00 p.m.
WHERE: Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center, 8050 Running Valley Road — Bartonsville (Stroudsburg), PA 18360
GPS Coordinates for KCEEC – Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center:
Longitude (West) – 750 17’ 48.552”
Latitude (North) 400 59’ 21.1164”
Directions to Monroe County Conservation District and the Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center
(Exit 302 I-80West or 302B I-80 East)
* Make a left onto Route 611N
* Make a left onto Rim Rock Road at second traffic light
* Follow for 0.4 mile, bear right onto N. Easton-Belmont Pike
* Follow 0.2 mile, then bear right onto Running Valley Road
* MCCD/KCEEC will be 0.7 mile on left.