The March 11 meeting of the Brodhead Chapter of Trout Unlimited will feature Lehigh Valley fly-fishing maven Rod Rohrbach.

Many of you know Rod Rohrbach from his many years as the owner of the Little Lehigh Fly Shop. Rod has fished, tied and learned from renowned fly-fishing personalities such as Gary Borger, Lefty Kreh, Gary LaFontaine, Ernest Schwiebert, Charlie Meck, Barry & Cathy Beck, Ed Jaworowski, Ed Schenk, Oliver Edwards, Bob Clouser, Jack Gartside, A.K. Best and Larry Duckwall.
Rod has appeared at Susquehannock Fly Fishers, The Fly Fishing Show, Great Outdoor Expo, Croton Watershed, White clay Creek Fly Fishers, Central Jersey Trout Unlimited, East Jersey Trout Unlimited, Ernest Schwiebert Chapter, Hacklebarney Trout Unlimited, Jersey Shore Trout Unlimited, Ken Lockwood Chapter, Ray Neirle South Jersey Chapter, Main Line Fly Tiers, Brodhead TU, Forks of the Delaware TU, Hokendauqua TU, Little Lehigh TU, Monocacy TU, Saucon Creek TU, Cabin Fever, Stanley Cooper Sr. TU, Penns Woods West TU, Cumber- land Valley TU, Doc Fritchey TU, Donegal TU, Bucks County TU, Delco-Manning TU, Perkiomen Valley TU, SE Montgomery County TU, South Jersey Coastal Fly Anglers, Daughters of The Eastern Star, Dame Juliana League Fly Fishers.
The fly Fishing Guide, Fish and Fly Magazine, Best of the Lehigh Valley Magazine, the New York Times, the Morning Call, ESPN and Fox News have done pieces on the shop. The Fly Fishing Guide, Fish and Fly Magazine, Best of the Lehigh Valley Magazine, the New York Times, the Morning Call, ESPN and Fox News have done pieces on the shop.
Most of the year Rod camps and fishes his way around the country. This year he will be in Pennsylvania, Colorado, Alaska, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho, Washington, Oregon, Arizona, British Columbia, Maine, Alaska and New Mexico. Please follow Rod on Facebook.
WHEN: Wednesday, March 11, 2015 at 7:00 p.m.
WHERE: Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center, 8050 Running Valley Road — Bartonsville (Stroudsburg), PA 18360
GPS Coordinates for KCEEC – Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center:
Longitude (West) – 750 17’ 48.552”
Latitude (North) 400 59’ 21.1164”
Directions to Monroe County Conservation District and the Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center
(Exit 302 I-80West or 302B I-80 East)
* Make a left onto Route 611N
* Make a left onto Rim Rock Road at second traffic light
* Follow for 0.4 mile, bear right onto N. Easton-Belmont Pike
* Follow 0.2 mile, then bear right onto Running Valley Road
* MCCD/KCEEC will be 0.7 mile on left.