At the November 8 meeting of the Brodhead Chapter of Trout Unlimited, Michael Horne, Refuge Manager, Cherry Valley National Wildlife Refuge, will present on the plans for the Cherry Valley National Wildlife Refuge (NWR) including public access, habitat enhancement (both terrestrial and aquatic), and how the Brodhead Chapter Trout Unlimited will be a part of the process.

Attendees will also learn about the Chapter’s work to restore the Pocono Creek in Tannersville and the Cherry Creek in the Cherry Valley NWR along with a future projects on the Tobyhanna Creek in the Austin T. Blakeslee Preserve.
WHEN: Wednesday, November 8, 2017 at 7:00 p.m.
WHERE: Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center, 8050 Running Valley Road — Bartonsville (Stroudsburg), PA 18360
NOTE: The Bridge on Rim Rock Drive is Open!
GPS Coordinates for KCEEC – Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center:
Longitude (West) – 750 17’ 48.552”
Latitude (North) 400 59’ 21.1164”
Directions to Monroe County Conservation District and the Kettle Creek Environmental Education Center
(Exit 302 I-80West or 302B I-80 East)
* Make a left onto Route 611N
* Make a left onto Rim Rock Road at second traffic light
* Follow for 0.4 mile, bear right onto N. Easton-Belmont Pike
* Follow 0.2 mile, then bear right onto Running Valley Road
* MCCD/KCEEC will be 0.7 mile on left.